Wednesday 30 April 2008 is here!

Ladies and gentlemen, my very own website is finally here!

Please, please, do feel free to check it out...

w00t w00t!

Tuesday 29 April 2008

Oooh..nice one..

Check this out..its a write-up of XHIBIT, my uni's annual exhibition.

Thursday 24 April 2008

Malaysian or Chinese?


Am i Malaysian or am i Chinese?

Well, alot of ppl should already know my stand on this, but i just feel i should blog about this..
Obviously, i'm friggin Malaysian!

Here are a few reasons why
-I was born and raised in Msia
-Both my parents were born and raised in Msia
-My grandparents were born and raised in Msia
-I grew up with mostly Malaysian friends, only like a few were actually Chinese from China
-Live a Malaysian Lifestyle (eg. mamaking...)
-If i went to China, i wouldn't really be accepted as one of them..

and one really really good one..

-if i was traveling to the UK for less than 3 months, i dun need a visa, but if wanted to do the same in China, i'd need a visa!
(There you go! much for being Chinese...)

If you're wondering why this post all of a sudden, i was actually talking to a Chinese person from church one day, and i was like, oh, i dun speak Mandarin, i'm Malaysian..and she was like, "well, that's a shame isnt it?"..and i was like, "no, i dun think so..i'm malaysian!"..

so there!


Wednesday 23 April 2008

Coming Soon: Malaysian or Chinese?

I know, this is a regular theme for debate, but i'm gonna write my piece of mind here soon...


Friday 11 April 2008

I'm gonna take a walk..

"Screw this!..i can't take this anymore!...i'm going for a walk..."

And i took the craziest 'walk' i've ever taken..
It was 1.15am and i've had it with work and let-downs...needed a breather, needed to hear God again...
Dressed up, and started walking...reached Camberwell green..."hmm, should i sit at the park?...nah, too many cars...too many people, defeats the purpose........let's get a bus!"...First bus that came was the 148, "Perfect!..."...Took it to Westminster Bridge, got off...Stood at the bridge and looked out over the Thames. Flippin freezin!...But it was beautiful...*still so many cars around, what's going on?........oh, its Friday...*

The lights of the Houses of Parliament were off already, but they still looked great..
Walked to the London Eye, looked back towards Big Ben...*Man, its cold....but its beautiful*
Took a few night shots with my Canon, trying to stay as still as possible, leaning against a pillar...
Walked along the Thames, enjoyin the view, getting away from work, from the let-downs..
Walked over to Jubilee Bridge, and crossed the Thames. Very quiet night so far.

Walks over to Trafalgar Square and its a different scene all of a sudden!..loads and loads of ppl!..drunk and jolly ppl!..
Think its time to head on home...its now 2:10am or sumthing..waited at the bus stop for the 12 to come by.
Went up the 12, got a seat..Turns out the 3 chicks i was sittin with were Malays!..small world...
i sit there acting stupid, listening to them talk about everything girls talk about, waiting for a chance to say sumthing in Malay...chance didnt come...

12 reaches Camberwell Green, and i'm headin back home...
"God, you hear the deepest cries of my heart...Fill this lonely heart of mine with You"

I reach home, its 5 to 3am, wake my laptop up, and i figured, "...that was one crazy 'walk'...i need to write about this.."

Rambut sudah panjang oh...

For those of you who havent been skypin with me, here's a photo of how long my hair is already..
(and its only gettin longer!!!..muahahaha)

Wednesday 9 April 2008

Spring's Snow...

Spring's oxymoron?..Apparently not..

I was quite sure the weather forecast on Tuesday wasn't joking when it said it was gona snow on Sunday and it was nice and sunny that day.
I was doing shopping before our Connect Group dinner on Thursday at Tesco with my friend Simon..we were at the counter and i was just mentioning to Simon, "Hey mate, apparently its gonna snow on Sunday you know.." and the lady at the counter started laughing so hard! she just heard the most ridiculous thing!..On the way out of Tesco's, i was like, "We'll see who's gonna be laughing when Sunday comes..heh!"

Are you laughing now, Tesco lady??!...(muahahahahaha!!!)

Quite alot of Londoners have grown to hate the snow though, that's because of the inconvenience it brings. But i pray the snow never loses its magic to me..I pray i'll never get bored of seeing snow, no matter how inconvenient it would be.